
Origin of the Czech koruna.


In September 1992, it was already clear that the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic would soon be divided into two separate states. It was necessary to start preparing the Czech Republic's own money immediately. While work on banknote designs had already begun, as it was possible to use the forthcoming proposals for a new system of Czechoslovak money and the results of a competition in which the academic painter Oldřich Kulhánek won, the situation was different for coins. The usual way of announcing a public anonymous competition was not possible due to the short time. Therefore, six proven participants in competitions for Czechoslovak coins were invited to prepare proposals for a koruna coin, the future monetary unit of the Czech Republic. All authors met the required deadline despite the unusually short both. The submitted works were assessed by independent experts, who named the proposal of acad. sculptor Jarmila Truhlíková-Spěváková with a stylized St. Wenceslas crown. Furthermore, they did not suggest that the symbol of the Czech lion without a shield be used on the next circulating coins of the Czech Republic. The Bank Board confirmed the opinion of the experts and requested that the side of the koruna coin be supplemented with the text "KORUNA ČESKÁ". The basis of the system of circulating coins of the Czech Republic was laid.
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Slovenske-mince.sk - Investičné zlato za najnižšiu cenu na Slovensku. Ponúkame zlaté mince a švajčiarske zlaté zliatky za aktuálnu cenu zlata a oslobodené od dph. Strieborné mince. Švajčiarske strieborné zliatky. Limitované razby a medaily Pražskej mincovne, Českej mincovne a Mincovne Kremnica, mince ČNB a NBS. ©2003-2025 Zlaté mince - Numizmatika. Akékoľvek použitie obsahu vrátane prevzatia, šírenia či ďalšieho sprístupňovania textov a fotografií je bez písomného súhlasu zakázané. Fotografie sú chránené autorským zákonom.

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